Friday, June 23, 2006

Objectives of Research

Research Objectives

The overall goal of this research is to investigate the use of metacognitve desciptions as both an exploration and reporting tool in delivering engineering design concepts and principles. The prototype engineering curriculum model will be used to investigate the following research questions:

1) Does the process of developing metacognitive desciptions lead to deeper investigation, reflection, analysis of engineering concepts more so than traditional lecture or demonstration based instruction among students?

2) Do students more effectively embody their mental models of engineering concepts and principles (physical phenomenon) by representing abstract ideals via metacognitive desciptions ?

3) Can students use metacognitive desciptions as a means to more effectively demonstrate their knowledge of (abstract) engineering concepts as it pertains to the embodiment of nonfigurative math and science concepts and principles?

4) Does the use of metacognitive desciptions in engineering education engage the interest of students while helping students to retain math and science concepts and principles?


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